Fun With JavaScript

With my job search paused Spring 2020 due to COVID19, I decided to learn more JavaScript for free at Anyone can have fun with these games. If you are a software developer/potential employer, feel free to right-click and View Page Source to see the code and comments about it. Or click on one of the nav links below to view my older webpages.

Game 1: Random Sentence Generator. It's like Mad Libs, but the computer fills in ALL the blanks for an extra-hilarious sentence! Each click of the button below generates a new sentence.

Game 2: Cryptic Code. Type some lower-case letters and numbers into the box below, then click the button and watch as the text transforms before your eyes! Can you tell how it's changed? Note, if you type something that is not a number or lower-case letter, it will not show up.

Game 3: Wheel-less Fortune. It's all of the letter-guessing with none of the money! Try to guess the word before you run out of guesses. Comes in three difficulties, although the hard one might not be as difficult as you think.....


Please guess one lower-case letter at a time.

You solved the puzzle! Play again?

That's not the answer.

Game 4: Cat-dog. Select the cat or dog, and see what they can do. Not the most fun as a game, but shows I know how to code objects.


A Dog Barking A Dog Shaking Paws A Dog Chewing a Bone A Cat Meowing Grumpy Cat